woensdag 29 mei 2013

Young Birds in Zoo Rotterdam (Blijdorp)

I take a small sketch book everywhere (9x9cm). In this way I can make quick sketches for other works or just for a remembrance, like a visit to the zoo. I better watch birds if I can sketch. Sometimes I take photos but it's impossible to do both at the same time.

sketch 22-11-2011

  in the greenhouse: young of a Blue-crowned Laughingthrush, 08-08-2012

Eurasian Coots, 08-08-2012

 Eurasian Coots, 12-07-2012

Canada Goose (a guest in the Zoo), 05-05-2012

 Common Moorhen, 09-08-2012

Toco Toucan, born June 2, 2012. Sketch 17-07-2012.

 Toco Toucans, 27-05-2013 (the foremost young born on 17 May, the other three a few days ago). Because it has become cold  (or other problems) are guys often brought up in an incubator. 

Crested Partridges, 07-11-2011

 Eurasian Spoonbills, 05-02-2012 (two born on January 30 and three on February 2, 2012.
When I lived in Delft, I was often in Blijdorp to see how the guys grow.

 Eurasian Spoonbills, 12-02-2012

 Eurasian Spoonbills, 19-02-2012

 Eurasian Spoonbills, 22-02-2012

 Eurasian Spoonbills, 22-02-2012

 Eurasian Spoonbills, 26-02-2012

Dalmatian Pelican, 01-02-2011

Toco Toucans, 30-08-2010

 Toco Toucans, 08-06-2012

Toco Toucans, 23-06-2012

Toco Toucans, 28-06-2012

Toco Toucans, 08-07-2012

Toco Toucans, 08-07-2012

Toco Toucans, 12-07-2012

Toco Toucans, 18-07-2012

Toco Toucans, brought up by their parents,17-02-2012

Toco Toucans, brought up by their parents,17-02-2012

Gentoo Penguins, 27-07-2011

Gentoo Penguins (left) with young, 04-09-2012

King Penguins, 10-02-2-13

King Penguins, 20-02-2013

King Penguins, 20-02-2013

King Penguins, 20-02-2013

chicks, 31-03-2013

maandag 20 mei 2013

A new Blog about Birds

Welkom to my new blog! A blog only about birds. 
I love all birds: from extinct birds to birds of today. I don't know why exactly. They are special, beautiful, interesting and surprising. Perhaps much more than these words. It might be better not to know everything, so I can still be surprised by their presence each day.

This blog I begin with a beloved bird: an adult female Common Blackbird. She was often in my garden. She could not walk or stand because she had thick legs. But fortunately she could fly, every time the cats of the neighbors were close.
I do not know if she was old or ill. She came every day for a piece of my apple and for seeds. I was accustomed to her presence since a few months. But since a week she's gone. Maybe she found a better place (without cats) around here or in the heaven? 

She had a round white spot on her feathers. 
I read that Blackbirds are not always uniformly black or brown.

See also my blog 'Why I Love Birds'.